Sisterhood of the Traveling Scarf at Fab Finds


The life of a scarf can be an extraordinary thing.  Think about it.  Where has your favorite scarf travelled with you?  On vacations, to parties, to important meetings?

Well imagine the travels of an average scarf multiplied by 20!

ScarvesDotNet recently provided two scarves for a Sisterhood of the Traveling Scarf organized by Kimberly of Fab Finds under 50.  The brightly-patterned miami scarf travelled to 20 fashion bloggers in 13 states.  From Minnesota to Massachusetts, from Colorado to California – this scarf saw half the country!

Participants channeled the bright teals and greens of the scarf and created an amazing array of stylish knottings and drapings: a pretty neck bow, a swashbuckling sash, even an adorable necklace!

Leslie of Fashion du Jour used the scarf as a wrap scarf, creating several tops and a skirt.  Andie of What Andie Wears was inspired to bring out an old dress to create a new look.  Shea of Bon Chic Bon Gastronomique paired patterns for her outfit, but still had a look that she described as “typically, comfortably me.”

Maybe that’s the best part about the travels of this scarf.  Each of these ladies started with the same scarf but created a style uniquely their own.

ScarvesDotNet was delighted to be a part of this fabulous event!

Check out a few of the steal-worthy scarf-stylings below or jump over to Fab Finds’ blog post to see the whole set of looks.


Photo Credit: Fab Finds Under 50

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