SDN Spotlight: The Battle We Didn’t Choose eBook
As many of you may know, over the past year the SDN gals have been working with bloggers, photographers, leaders, survivors, and patients in the cancer community to share their inspiring and heartfelt stories in our SDN Spotlight series. Today we are proud to share that our friend and SDN Spotlight blogger, Angelo Merendino, has recently released a photo documentary book that powerfully details... -
Knots for Hope Charity Drive
Serving the cancer community is a cause very near and dear to our hearts, here at Scarves Dot Net. Less than one year ago, our team announced the launch of Knots for Hope, a resource designed to instill hope in those affected by cancer. We have been both blessed and honored to receive positive feedback from customers and families who have stumbled onto our... -
Louanne Roark from Look Good Feel Better
Whether it’s heartfelt anecdotes or inspiring triumphs, the Scarves Dot Net gals love to share stories — especially when they’re incredibly touching. That’s why we’re starting a new series called SDN Spotlight. From influential bloggers to community leaders, we’ve scoured the blogosphere for the most inspiring men and women. So far, we’ve had the opportunity to hear from eight incredible individuals about how cancer has affected their lives....