Behind the Scarf Scenes: In the Warehouse
Ever wonder where we keep all of our scarves? In the warehouse of course! Today I’d like to give you a tour of our scarf-lovin’ storage, where your scarves rest until they twist and thread their way home to YOU! ;)
The scarf warehouse is one of my favorite places in the office. Whenever I get tired of sitting at the computer or need some time to go scarf shopping after work, the warehouse just calls my name. Although it’s a bit tricky when I want to buy ALL of the scarves.
Like these lovely peacock print spring scarves. ;)
My favorite scarf… today at least. ;) The Katherine Striped Pashmina. *Sa-woon!
But here at Scarves Dot Net we’re not all peacock prints and stripes — we get down to business, too! We’ve got an entire team of awesome people who work hard to bring you some scarfy goodness. ;)
Meet Melissa! Melissa is our fearless director of shipping and receiving. And she likes scarves. ;)
Melissa’s second-favorite scarf: (The first is sold-out!)
Melissa likes shipping out the scarves because they are so convenient. “You can fit them all in one Priority box and they’re always the same [shipping] price.” And while Melissa doesn’t remember every single scarf order, there are a few that stick out in her mind.
“We’ve received a couple of $400 orders,” Melissa said, “And those are always memorable. I always figure that those people are giving a lot of gifts, but who knows! Maybe they have particular tastes and love a lot of scarves!”
Ahh yesssss, my fellow scarf addicts of the world. ;)
Happy Scarf Tuesday!
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