Natalie Portman’s Stark Black Swan Costume


Recent release Black Swan stars Natalie Portman as a psychologically imbalanced dancer who pursues the lead role of both the Black and White Swan while experiencing hallucinations about a fellow dancer whom she thinks is competing with her. The artistic direction, as evidenced by this often-seen shot of Portman, is stark black and white:

Unfortunately, the clothing is as somber as the film. Most of Portman’s wardrobe is, unsurprisingly, ballet-wear, in a white or quiet pink. However, she does don an opposing tutu for the parts of the Black and White Swan:

Though you can’t see the front quite as well from that pictures, the front breasts are adorned with feathers, to go along with her eye makeup and paint on her fingers.

On a more brighter note, turn to this frame from production:

It’s an adorable pink double-breasted pea coat with a modest round collar and a wispy white scarf. Check out the ScarvesDotNet equivalent, the Susan Linen Scarf. It’s 100% linen and only $12.71.

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