DIY: How to Make a Circle Scarf from a Maxi Dress
**Today we have a guest writer, Terryl! Terryl works down the hall from us and she came up with a brilliant idea for a circle scarf!
I tried on the inner layer, just to see if it had magically lessened in see-through-ness in the past year to become the base of some potential Calvin Klein-inspired minimalism. No such luck. Maybe next year.
Commence changing of the dress. A text message rings in. Of course, with the dress still halfway on my shoulders, Nelly-style, I grab my telephone to answer. Texting conversations wait for no one. As I set my telephone back down on the counter, I glance in the mirror. Well, look at that. Perfect draping material. I pull my other arm out and arrange the dress on my shoulders, tucking the straps into the folds.
Oh, I’m sorry. Did I just make a circle scarf? Pose. Pose. Work. Snap.
So I tried on all of my maxi skirts. That light pink beauty was the only dress that worked, due to its lightweight material, but my maxi and midi skirt collection provided a great variety of sizes and textures for its transition into becoming my new circle scarf collection anyway.
And now, it’s your turn. Toss that skirt around your neck, rustle the tag and waistband in, and voila! A chic new infinity scarf. If your own skirt collection is lacking in maxis, fear not. We’ve got an awesome selection of loop scarves for you to choose from. Now, get layering!
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