#TisTheScarfSeason Grand Prize Winner
#TisTheScarfSeason, and no one has proven that better than you, our lovely scarf cats! You’ve shown us your extensive scarf collections, stunning seasonal style, and cozy winter looks, and you’ve certainly inspired us to take our scarf-styling to the next level. But the time has come for us to announce the winner of a coveted five-scarf set from Scarves.net. Drum roll, please…
Congratulations to the scarf-lovin’ mad_hattington! Her gorgeously executed fancy braid stole our hearts (find out how to tie it here)! And in true scarf season fashion, it instantly made us want to cozy up and get creative in our favorite scarf knots. :)
Thank you to everyone for all of the scarftastic submissions!
And remember, ladies — although our contest has come to a close, the scarf season has just begun! Keep snapping and sharing your stunning scarf shots with us on Instagram. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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