Interview with Molly from Smart Pretty and Awkward

You’re probably familiar with today’s guest, Molly Ford, the author of the consistently entertaining and inspirational blog, Smart Pretty and Awkward. Every weekday, Molly gives her readers three tips guaranteed to make us all just a little bit smarter, prettier and less awkward. Her tips include great internet finds, helpful advice, and thought-provoking quotes. Here’s one of my favorite recent tips:
How to be (less) Awkward: Don’t title an email with “Sorry.” Chances are whatever you are apologizing for–be it your phone dying when you were in the middle of the conversation, or for accidentally forgetting something important at work, the thread will continue after the apology has been offered and accepted. And then for the rest of the thread, going back and forth, when you see the email come into your inbox you (and the other person) will be reminded of the mistake.
Great advice, right? And it’s something you might not think of on your own.
We took this opportunity to pick Molly’s brain for some Smart Pretty and Awkward fashion tips – read and enjoy!
1. Where did you come up with the idea for Smart Pretty and Awkward?

I came up for the idea for SP&A when I was a senior in college, doing an internship in finance. One day in the bathroom at work, while I was blotting my face with a clean toilet seat cover, I started to think of ways I could share fun little tips like that with other girls. I was also looking for a creative outlet at the time, so the two ideas (write a blog + share tips) combined well.

I chose the name Smart Pretty and Awkward because I think everyone can relate to spending part of their days feeling smart, part of their days feeling pretty, and (if you’re me at least!) part of your days feeling awkward.

2. Where do you get your fashion inspiration?

From my friends, my sister, people I walk by on the street, the Urban Outfitters catalog, and blogs I read.

3. What’s your favorite summer fashion?

Wearing a dress, pretty flats,  and my hair down, and scampering all over the Village in NYC. It is one of the times when I feel the prettiest. It’s less of a fashion choice and more of a mood!

4. What Smart, Pretty, Awkward tips do you have for our readers in terms of scarves?

Scarves are most certainly NOT just for the winter! So much of the summer is spent inside, being cold in air conditioning, so a scarf is the perfect thing to keep in your work drawer or purse to throw on when you find yourself inside a chilly building. Also, a pretty scarf tied onto a handbag is one of my most favorite—and most inexpensive—ways to polish up an entire outfit.

5. What are some of your favorite scarves we sell here at ScarvesDotNet?

Of course, anyone that knows me know I’m obsessed with giraffes, so I was immediately drawn to the Giraffee Print Scarf . With simple khaki shorts and a white v-neck with espadrilles, you could look both safari-bound and adorable.

I’ve also been craving a loop scarf but was worried that they were made for the colder months only. I was delighted to find the Natalie Circle Scarf in white/blue. It not only combines tie-dye (a trend of this season), but is also in a lightweight summer cotton.

Finally, my mom has a birthday coming up and I can see her loving this Nautical Square Scarf…and I can see myself borrowing it from her whenever I’m home!

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