Scarf Up That Handbag!
Is your handbag losing that edge? That burst of style that it once had? Do you envy celebrities like Heidi Montag, Jennifer Anniston or Eva Longoria Parker for their sense of style and fashion?
Well, if you envy Heidi for other reasons besides her purse, then I cannot help you…But if you do dig the above three’s bodacious bags then ladies, you have come to the right place!
Scarves are amazing accessories! Then can add a touch of color to an outfit, dress it up or dress it down and now they can even add a revitalized touch of life to your handbag!
That’s right! Scarfing up your handbag! If you’re looking for that extra oomph then grab a scarf! …Who would have thought that just a little touch of satin color could completely transform your handbag!
Here are some hints:
Stick to leather. If you’re adding some spicy satin scarves to your tote then make it a leather one. Some cloth and hemp purses with scarves appear unorganized and clash.
Go big with color. When adding a scarf to a handbag, go for color! You’re trying to add a bit of sass to your purse anyways, so why not add some spice and make your scarf, handbag and yourself stand out!
Satin and cotton are key. Scarves are made from all arrays of material…Cashmere, cotton, satin, wool, silk…So try to stick to airy materials. Satin and cotton are easy to tie and demonstrate color well. Plus, the last thing you want to do is tie your favorite, yet expensive, cashmere scarf around your purse and then later watch it fly away with the wind when it comes untied…
Do dare to add some color to your handbag. Hell add some crazy pattern even…But do keep it catered to you! Remember you’re adding some flare to your bag, so spice it up however you feel necessary!
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