Welcome to the New Scarves Dot Net!
Bonjour scarf lovers! You may notice things are looking a little different around here. We got a little makeover, and we made some changes that we think you’ll love.
If you’re a loyal Scarves.net reader, don’t you fret! We’ve still got all your favorites, including 37 ways to tie a scarf, Savvy Scarves, and of course our blog.
Did you land in this pretty place from Affordable Scarves? Don’t worry — you’re in the right spot! We combined our scarf store with our all-things-scarves resource to bring together the best of both worlds! We still have the same adorable and budget friendly scarves that you loved from Affordable Scarves — we’re just going by a new name and a new look.
Why not explore a little bit? Learn a new way to knot your scarf with our how to tie a scarf videos. Get scarf savvy with diy, tying, and decorating ideas. Or, get a total scarf-ucation with our free downloadable e-book.
Scarves Dot Net
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